Random/Unique Screenshots


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Guide Author
Jul 3, 2012
I though a thread with random screenshots that don't fit in the Item Find Thread would be nice to have.
If you have some sort of unique, weird, funny, crazy screenshots let us see them here!
Also, with D2R your character in the select screen may be funny dressed. It usually happens when you Quest with a new character and just equip whatever you can at that level. :LOL:

I am going to start with this one. I saw this on the web and though I would give it a try and it worked.
If you open the Cow Level outside the town it appears as No Level Name and you can't enter it!

no name.png
1.07 wasn't much better
107 weirdness.jpg

Not that uncommon, I have seen this a few times
Unique Blood Hawk Nest.jpg

Strange Jungle map with cut off Spider Forest WP:
Asteria Weird Jungle Map 04_07_2023 15_04_38.jpg

Back in 2008ish I ran the 12 Days of Christmas tournament. One challenge was to collect a unique Frentzytaur with as many bad mods as possible. I expect others have worse than this though.
12d Cursed EF SS PI Frenzytaur.jpg
Estimated market value