[Game Thread] HBO Rome Mafia Game

Sep 12, 2013

400 years after the last king was driven from the city, the republic of Rome rules many nations, but cannot rule itself. The city is constantly roiled by conflict between the common people and the nobility. Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends, Gnaeus Pompey Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar. Once, Pompey was acknowledged by all to be the greater man, but for the last eight years, while Pompey has kept the peace in Rome, Caesar has waged a war of conquest in Gaul that has made him ever more rich and popular. The balance of power is shifting, and the nobility have grown fearful. Though of noble blood himself, Caesar stands with the common people.

A man like that, an aristocrat with soldiers, money and the love of the people, might make himself king..

1. Leopold Stotch
2. Skjolde
3. Gorny
4. Babyhell
5. d2lover
6. Pyrotechnician
7. Huckit
8. Snickersnack
9. Zhao_Yue

Ok, I am going to open up this thread BEFORE sending out your role PMs. Since there is a new game mechanic, I'm gonna give us a day to ask any questions about how things will work just to prevent any confusion. Last game it seemed like there was a lot of uncertainty about the "motivate" mechanic. So, I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page with how this will work.

  1. There is no lynch vote. Instead, you are voting FOR someone, which may or may not grant them powers the ensuing night phase. This may or may not be a kill power. They may or may not be telling the truth about what powers they are to be granted. So, I suggest voting for players you believe you can trust or that you believe share your alignment/wincon.
  2. You CAN vote for yourself. This could easily result in a 7-way tie for votes. Therefore, I have included a "tie-break" mechanic. (see below)
  3. You don't HAVE to vote. However, this is not going to be a game with "no lynch" days. If only one person votes, and they vote for themselves, guess what? They won the vote. So, I suggest you turn up and turn out the vote!
One of the best things about this series was the use of language (and profanity). I strongly encourage everyone to partake in these colorful quotes. It will make the atmosphere of the game feel much more like the series. "Cac!" "Sons of Dis!" "Pluto's thorny ****!" etc etc.

Here is a good resource for pulling quotes if you're not familiar with the series:

I've gleaned through the first two episodes to give you some examples of quotes that may apply to a mafia game discussion. Just substitute a player's name for one of the characters from the show. For example, "Very good D2DC, full of vim and verve, as usual."
Episode 1:
- Justice knows every man's number. (Vorenus)
- He has committed a terrible sacrilige, and he will pay for it with his life. (Vorenus)
- Deserters will be crucified! (Vorenus)
- Is that it?  I was just beginning to enjoy myself. (Pullo)
- You piss-drinking sons of circus whores! (Pullo)
- I grieve with you. (Antony)
- This is music.  Wait till Caesar starts them howling for our blood.  Then you'll hear something dreadful. (Cato)
- Don't be sullen now.  This was not a hardship for me. (Atia)
- Do please don't lurk Octavian, come in. (Atia)
- Don't be a goose.  Come here. (Atia)
- I have a question regarding your friend and co-consul (Cato)
- .. the darling of Venus, Gaius Julius Caesar. (Cato)
- Why does his chair remain empty?  Why does he not come home? (Cato)
- He has gorged himself like a wolf, on the blood of Gaul. (Cato)
- I tell you why he does these things.. (Cato)
- He wants to rule Rome as a bloody tyrant! (Cato)
- Very good Cato, full of vim and verve, as usual. (Pompey)
- I'm going to save us hours of useless clamour.. (Pompey)
- Silence!  Are we children?  Let the consul speak! (Cicero)
- However, if I might say a few words before you continue. (Cicero)
- When confronted by an angry wolf, it is unwise to goad the beast, as Cato would have us do. (Cicero)
- But, it is equally unwise to imagine the snarling animal a friend and offer your hand, as Pompey does. (Cicero)
- Perhaps you would have us climb a tree? (Pompey)
- Caesar is my brother by sacred oath.  I know his heart.  He is my friend, and a faithful son of the republic.  And Until anyone proves he is not, I will never betray him. (Pompey)
- If it please you, might we speak alone? (Cato)
- I have no need of you noble gentlemen. (Pompey)
- I can squash Caesar like an insect, if I wished it so. I do not wish it. (Pompey)
- Renounce him Pompey.  Renounce Caesar.  Ally yourself with us and his strength will wither away. (Cato)
- It is you who has the real power.  It is you the people truly love. (Cato)
- You ask me to openly betray a friend.  I cannot do it. (Pompey)
- .. or I'll use the eyes of your children for beads. (Atia)
- I don't know how you tolerate that man. (Brutus)
- They are clamoring like geese.. (Caesar)
- I tell you Brutus, I'm at my wit's end. (Caesar)
- Lucius Vorenus, you have a brain, so the tribunes say. (Antony)
- Good, we are of one mind. (Antony)
- Fortune pisses on me. (Vorenus)
- I wouldn't even stand next to this short-ass shit, leave alone serve under him. (Pullo)
- Don't be cruel.  Is he well?  Did he ask of me? (Servilia)
- Oh, you beast! (Servilia)
- Please yourself, only trying to be pleasant. (Pullo)
- .. a noble way to make amends. (Pullo)
- Never, I won't forget it.  Titus Pullo never forgets a favor. (Pullo)
- We are hunting a black dog in the night. (Vorenus)
- I chose you because you were disgraced already and condemned to die. (Vorenus)
- So, you weren't making amends at all then? (Pullo)
- You should take care how you speak to me.  If I've got nothing to lose, what's to stop me cutting you into little gobs and riding off? (Pullo)
- It is such dreadfully dull stuff. (Brutus)
- Excuse me, I was far away. (Atia)
- You surprise me.  I always thought there were difficulties between you. (Atia)
- I was only asking.  Excuse my curiosity. (Atia)
- Well, that's a shame.  Now I feel bad.  I thought you'd be overjoyed. (Atia)
- The man has tears in his eyes.  Tears! (Atia)
- Bravo Magnus!  Masterly!  Is he not Octavia?  Masterly? (Atia)
- Perhaps you need time to think? (Atia)
- Excuse me, I was taken unawares. (Pompey)
- There's no need for shyness.  Were all family now after all. (Atia)
- May fortune smile on you. (Pullo)
- Sons of Dis! (Vorenus)
- Thank the gods you came.  I'm extremely grateful to you. (Octavian)
- You won't get far with a mouth like that on you. (Pullo)
- Be assured, you'll be amply rewarded for your services to me. (Octavian)
- He's convincing, I'll give him that. (Vorenus)
- It would look strange if he made no effort. (Octavian)
- Pompey is no deep philospher.  He will take a symbolic loss for a real weakness. (Octavian)
- They're as good as brothers those two. (Pullo)
- A battle is inevitable. (Octavian)
- I misjudged him.  I thought it would take strategy to turn him against me. (Caesar)
- He has the cunning of a sardine, poor fool. (Caesar)
- Maybe if you'd summoned a little charm, instead of moping about like some torpid old sheep-cow this would never have happened. (Atia)
- Please, I was only speaking in anger. (Atia)
- One only has to look at Cornelia.  Poor sad chicken, plucked and boiled. (Atia)
- It is I who has been made to look foolish!  It is I who have lost face. (Atia)
- Pompey will eat sand for this! (Atia)
- By the five furies, if I were not a gentile woman, I would have you flayed and hung from a brackard at the door. (Atia)
- We shant even talk about it.  We should just put it totally out of our minds. (Atia)
- Women's troubles.  Nothing a good leeching won't cure. (Atia)
- Too few people can be bothered to do things the proper, old Roman way.  I commend you Lucius. (Atia)
- If Cato believes the same, then I suppose I am a Catonian. (Vorenus)
- That is sacrilige.  No man of honor would follow him. (Vorenus)
- You say that because you govern your reason no better than you govern your tongue. (Vorenus)
- Don't mind my saying it, but you two make unlikely friends. (Atia)
- Please forgive our vulgar ways madame.  We are not fit for your presence. (Vorenus)
- Not at all, I've enjoyed your company immensely.  It's been most refreshing. (Atia)
- I did not speak. (Pullo)
- Go with fortune, sir. (Pullo)
- Forgive us for imposing at such a ludicrous hour. (Cicero)
- The secrecy, the intrigue, it's most thrilling! (Atia)
- Comprehend woman, this meeting is invisible! (Cato)
- Que bruta figura!  It completely fell from my mind.  I'm most extremely sorry.  Will you forgive me, friend Cato? (Antony)
- Let's stop all this blathering and get down to business, shall we? (Antony)
- What a congrove of heroes, such vim! (Atia)
- Speak young Marcus, what have you to tell us? (Pompey)
- He wishes to be seen as a man of reason, and probity. (Antony)
- Impudent welp! (Pompey)
- I assure you it is no threat.  Snows always melt. (Antony)
- I am grieved and surprised.  I had hoped we'd have a rational negotiation. (Pompey)
- Caesar is bluffing.  He wishes to appear supremely confident.  Evidently he is desperately weak, weaker than we thought. (Pompey)
- Is that not when all the proverbs tell us to be wary? (Cicero)
- Does not the dying serpent bite deepest? (Cicero)
- So?  We're all Romans, eh? (Pullo)
- Come on you mumpin cunnies! (Pullo)
- I understand that you are upset.  But I will ask you, do not question me in that tone! (Vorenus)
- I am no judge of the sand.  But anyone can see, he is rare large and aggressive. (Cicero)
- I ask you as a friend to support the proposal and to enjoin your many friends to do the same. (Pompey)
- Oh, I have not so many friends as all that. (Cicero)
- The moderates follow you like sheep.  Your vote is critical. (Pompey)
- He cannot accept that, not without dishonor. (Cicero)
- If the Senate votes against him, Caesar will finally understand that he is alone, against all! (Pompey)
- Anything but an overwhelming vote, encourages Caesar to think he has friends and hope. (Pompey)
- I am no friend to Caesar, nor any tyrant. (Cicero)
- I cannot vote for a proposal which I do not wish to see realized.  It would be highly, irreligious. (Cicero)
- Juno inferna!  Senile old fool!  Why didn't he say so to begin with? (Pompey)
- Why yes, he has an ill temper.  He'd say anything. (Pullo)
- It saddens me that you are unhappy. (Vorenus)
- Well, this is a merry do! (Atia)
- Poor Antony must think himself dead and swimming in leafy water.  Talk to the poor man.  Ask him questions. (Atia)
- So spiteful, and for what?  You shame only yourself. (Atia)
- She has you exact. (Antony)
- Rally to me!  Rally to me! (Antony)
- After all these years, Pompey surprises me. I had hoped to provoke some kind of aggression sure.. (Caesar)
- The man's found some hard black iron in his soul. (Caesar)
- Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilige? (Caesar)
- This is a dark day, and I stand at a fork in the road. (Caesar)
- Run those maniacs to the Tarpeian Rock! (Caesar)
- Titus Pullo is with me.  And you?  Are you with me? (Caesar)
- You of all men should not dare make that argument. (Vorenus)
- We'll all be hanging from crosses in the Appian Way before the week's out. (Vorenus)

So, why should you do this? Other than for shits and giggles? You will be awarded points for each quote that you use.
  • 1 point per quote (minimum 3 words)
  • 3 points per quote, if your character (from role PM) is the person you are quoting
  • Maximum of 5 points per day phase
  • Please post all quotes separately (not within a wall of text), and mark them with a Rome emoji 🏛️ so they can be easily identified
  • When/if you quote your specific character, please keep a list (or better yet, PM me) to make that clear
Points will determine the winner of a vote that ends in a tie. Whichever player has the most "quote" points, will win the vote. If both/all players have equal number of points AND equal number of quote points, the player that has quoted their character the most number of times will win. If it is still tied, it will resort to which player reached that number of character quotes earliest.

Example: D1, D2DC and Noodle both get 3 votes. D2DC and Noodle both reached the maximum number of quote points = 5 points. We each also quoted our specific character 1 time. Whoever quoted their character first would win the vote.

It probably sounds more complicated than it is, but I wanted to open it up to questions. And, I will offer a bit of advice.. DO NOT solely quote your character. You can easily get 5 points per day phase without ever quoting them. The more you quote your character, the more people may connect the dots and figure out who you are. And, if your enemies know who you are in this game, that could spell your demise..

Game Rules:
Breaking rules, not posting, or certain other behavior may result in a modkill or replacement. These are:

  1. Do not attempt to play the same game under more than one name.
  2. Do not bring outside influences into the game - this includes threats, bribes, wagers, promises, "trust tells", alliances, etc. Using knowledge from previous games is perfectly acceptable, but try not to carry grudges from one game to another.
  3. Replacements, while sometimes necessary, also serve as an outside influence. As such, do not tell other players to replace out. Do not publicly threaten to replace out of a game. If you do need to replace out, do not publicly discuss your reasons or anything else, as you are no longer a player in the game. PM your game moderator if you are considering replacing out or have concerns and believe another player should be replaced out.
  4. Once a replace-out request has been made public by the moderator, the player replacing out is to stop posting in the game. The player is not allowed to replace back into the game or rescind their request. If a moderator wants to allow any deviation from these rules, it must be stated explicitly in their rule set.
  5. Do not talk outside the game thread about an ongoing game except where explicitly allowed to do so by your role/moderator. Likewise, do not use bbcode to hide secret messages - this equates to discussion outside the thread. For more information on this, please see this post.
  6. Do not edit/delete posts.
  7. Do not post in the game thread during the night phase. Any post made after the start of the night phase, regardless of if it is declared by the game mod, can result in a mod kill of the poster, it will be up to the game mod weather or not a mod kill happens.
  8. Do not quote communications with the moderator (in particular, your role PM). Paraphrasing is usually ok.
  9. Do not post in the game after you are dead or replaced.
  10. Play to win the game.
  11. Since Mafia is based largely on conflict and psychological manipulation, we are somewhat more tolerant of aggressive and heated posts in-game than in the rest of the forums. However, game mods will often take action for excessively abusive behavior or slurs, up to and including a force-replacement or modkill. In certain cases, posters with multiple or severe offenses may receive site-wide punishments from the list moderators, such as temporary or permanent bans from joining or playing games.
  12. Use of scripts or other devices to functionally ignore the presence and posts of another player in a game is not allowed.
  13. Do not use the "like" feature to impact gameplay. Be extremely careful about clicking that like button. It can easily be construed as private communication (as only the original poster receives a notification). It has also been abused in past games by dead players.
  14. Lynching requires the majority of the players alive to vote for the same player. That is, half of the remaining number of players + 1 rounded down. A lock occurs when someone with enough votes to be lynched receives an additional vote, and will be lynched at the end of the day and cannot be unvoted.
  15. The Day lasts 48 hours and night last 24 hours. This game will start with a Day Phase and will start/stop at 3:00 PM EST (UTC -5).
  16. Every player gets one vote during the day unless told otherwise in their role PM. Votes and Unvotes need to be in blood RED. ** If your unvote isn't in RED, it doesn't count. And please try to put it at the bottom of your post. Please be very clear as to who you are voting for, avoid nicknames, etc,.

    Vote: Dredd (Correct)
    Unvote: Dredd (Correct)

    Vote: Dredd (Incorrect, not RED)
    Unvote: Dredd (Incorrect, not RED)

    V or v: Dredd (Incorrect, the entire word Vote needs to be there)
    UV or uv: Dredd (Incorrect, the entire phrase Unvote or Un Vote needs to be there)
  17. Quotes should be posted separately (or as a simple "reply" to someone else's post). Remember, quotes must be: 3 words or more, and not changed in any substantive way. Substituting player names, adding to/completing partial quotes is all just fine.
  18. Please include a Rome emoji 🏛️ before your post. Your quote will still count if you forget, but please try to remember. It will make identifying and counting the quotes much easier!
  19. Also, if you're posting a quote from your actual character from the show. Please keep track and PM me which one's you want to get credit (3x points!) for.
** If anybody actually has difficulties with the text colors, your BOLDED votes will still count. Just trying to add to the flavor! **
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  • Like
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Holy shit this sounds cool!

So we vote to get possibly get powers at night? And these powers may or may not be kill powers? Does this get rid of the day lynch entirely?
Correct. There is absolutely no lynch in this game. Whoever gets the most votes (or tie break) is "elected", which may/may not grant them abilities or kill powers. Up to each player to "campaign" for votes. You are welcome to lie/be truthful about what you will do if elected.
  • Like
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
  1. You don't HAVE to vote. However, this is not going to be a game with "no lynch" days. If only one person votes, and they vote for themselves, guess what? They won the vote. So, I suggest you turn up and turn out the vote!
I'm not done reading, but I'll say this: I like this!
  • Haha
Reactions: D2DC
Well, I was hoping that you all would have more questions by now. Hopefully that means that everything has been explained well enough already.. I'm going to send out role PMs now (because I will be at work all day tomorrow). So, any further questions please submit them by PM.

Will hopefully have a start time of 3pm UTC -5:00. Let's get 7/9 role confirmations by then!! (y)


<Countdown until Game Start> - Pending role PM confirmations (7/9)
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Reactions: Gorny
D1 Begins: <countdown till end of D1>

In Rome, members of the Senate are growing concerned with Caesar's increasing power and influence...
Pompey Magnus,
I have a question concerning your friend and co-consul, the darling of Venus, Gaius Julius Caesar.
Why does his chair remain empty?
Why does he not come home? His illegal war is over.
Gaul is long since on its knees.
Why does Caesar keep his brave soldiers from their families and friends?
For eight long years, he has gorged himself like a wolf on the blood of Gaul, and thereby made himself monstrously rich.
Why does he ply the mob with races, and fights, and gaudy feasts?
Why has he paid the debts of every reprobate fool in this Senate house?
I'll tell you why he does these things.
He wants to buy himself a crown.
He wants to destroy the Republic and rule Rome as a bloody tyrant!
That's why!
Meanwhile Pompey's wife, Caesar's very own daughter, Julia, dies during childbirth, the last true bond between the two men had been cut. Caesar has taken the love of the common people away from Pompey, his most prized possession.

A battle is inevitable...

Caesar dispatches a very ominous sounding letter to Pompey.
Dearest Pompey,
A quick note to tell you, I have decided to winter the 13th Legion closer to home, so I shall soon have the pleasure of paying you homage in person..
Everyone is free to post.
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I'm going to post early (and maybe even often) so that @Zhao_Yue doesn't get suspicious of me. This post'll definitely make sure that I don't seem sus. Like, at all. ;)
No worries dude, I'm chill this game.

I can finally act like Skjolde ... sit back, relax, turn off brain and occasionally make empty observations. :p
No worries dude, I'm chill this game.

I can finally act like Skjolde ... sit back, relax, turn off brain and occasionally make empty observations. :p
Second game that you go for my throat? And I was just beginning to like you..

Vote: Skjolde
I am curious what this does. As I understand it, we don't know ourselves, what happens If we get the majority of the votes?
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